Recommendations And Affiliates

Freedom Tech Recomendations
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I don't want to add ads and affiliates based on the anount of money they companies pay me. Some of these recomendations do not pay me any money to recomend them. Some of them give me a small commission.
- I only recomend products and services I currently recomend
- I will change this as I learn more or competitors create better products
- I put these behind a paywall because I think my recomedations are worth 10,000 sats per year.
These companies give me a small commision, but I would recomend them anyway.
I have bought pins from BTCPins and consider them collectibles. My grandcnildren will think I wasted too many sats on this, but I disagree. I want to participate in the bitcoin economy and Pins allows me to do that. More than that, he's a smart dude with innovative ideas. For example, I was able to creat this referal link by putting in my address. Pins is a good guy selling some cool stuff.
Fold has a great debit card for those who never want to spend bitcoin, use cash back credit cards, or wants to begin stacking sats. It offers cash back. They allow you to pay your bills with fiat and you get sats back. They also allow you to spend a wheel everyday for sats. They let you deposit bitcoin from other wallets over the base chain which is not optimal for fees, but the also allow you to buy using ACH rails. They also give more cash back on gift cards which is great for Christmas.
You cannot spend bitcoin directly.You must first push it to fiat and then pay you fiat bills or use the fiat credit card network.
If you're a "get on zero" kinda guy like me, Strike is more for you. Look, I know we still can't pay for hamburgers at Wendy's with bitcoin, but we don't need to. Strike allows you to pay bills with bitcoin now. You can just swipe your fiat cash back card of choince and pay it off every nonth with bitcoin. Strike converts the sats automatically. Let's face it, Discover does not want bitcoin. We don't want fiat. This fixes that coincidence of wants.They also allow you to add autorized users, but I have not recieved my wife's card yet. I will keep this updated.
Jack Mallers hinted they are workig on some sort of bitcoin backed loans as described in Ross Stephen's annual letter, but we'll have to see.
This is a daa vending machine that alows you to use AI, but you pay in bitcion. It's really good at Dall E Photos. The photos I created even contained words. That kinda blew my mind because I've had troulbe creating pictures with words with tools like Stable Diffusion.
These products do not give me any commision, but I recomend them anyway.
I have used a few out of the box nodes. I flashed Start9 on and old OptiPlex when it was called Embassy because it is free and open source software. If you have the technical chops, you can save a few bucks by doing this, but you're better off buying a Start9. My Optiplex died. I had a nother node die too. I was able to restore the Start9 from backup because the Start9 backups are easy. So I bought one with 4 TB of m.2 SSD memory and it's the fastest computer I ever bought. Restoration was easy. I run some stuff on docker on a cheaper computer, but Start9 is worth it for the memory. My wife likes how I put our movie and TV show collection on Jellyfin. This affiate link page is hosted on Ghost on my Start9, The company says they will soon make it easy to host on the clearnet. I am not sure if this is ready for prime time, but I trust that you will be able to do this soon because I already do it using the CloudFlare Tunnel service. -
Primal is an awesome, free and open source nostr client written under the MIT licence. You can literally run the app yourself.
You can also pay them a monthly fee or donate $1,000 for legand status,. If you do, you get a cool handle like
I also have a lightning address, [email protected] and an OG banner. You don't need these things on Primal, but their pretty cool.
- HiveTalk
- Cold Card Q
- Cold Power(if you own a ColdCard MK4 or MK3) + Dataless Cable
- Seed Plate
- The LetherMint's Belts
- Alby Hub
Self-Hosted Tools
These are some of the services I run. Feel free to use them yourself. IF you would like to run these things on the clearnet yourself, let me know. I can help for a fee. :)
Search Engine:
-Iris Nostr Client