Affiliate And Recomendations

These Are Products And Servives I Recomend

  • I have used each of these services or purchased a product from recomended vendors.
  • I provide an honest review of these services.

Affiliate Links

I earn a commission for these products and services, but I would recommend them even if they did not pay me.



Cash App


This is the cheapest way to use AI on the Internet. The pics are spectacular. It cost me about 20 sats to make the cover for this affiliate page.

I don’t really have an affiliate link for these guys, but I would like one. Anyway, they make the easiest home servers. I highly recommend them. I like that I can use the cloudflare tunnel app to host everythng on the clearnet. Let me know if you need any help with this.


These companies do not pay me, but I recommend them anyway.

I use PayWithFlash to create a Substack like subscription. You can subscribe for as little as 1,000 per month. If that is too many sats to ask, you could always zap my articles instead. Thank you.

The Leather Mint

The Leathermint makes great, custom sized leather belts and awesome looking wallets. I have a belt and it fits better than any belt I’ve ever warn because it’s custom size. I have had mine for about a year. The chrome is coming off a little at the top but I don’t tuck in shirts anyway.


They make my favorite products ever. I suggest getting a few SEEDPLATE® Kit’s no matter what hardware wallets you use. I also like using a dry erase marker first because there are no second chances when punching a letter. It’s best to use a dry erase marker first. If you make a mistake erase it. Then, after you double checked the first side, go over the dry erase marker with a permanent marker. Then do the same to the other side. If you’re sure every letter is correct, punch the holes.

There are many plates with sufficient heat resistance, but I like the SEEDPLATE because they are the easiest to destroy if you ever need to. Instead of etching out stamps on washers, you just add extra punches if you must destroy the seed.

Alby Hub

Look, if you want to run your own lightning node, this is the way to go. If you have a Start9 or are technical, you can run it yourself. If you’re less technical, they offer a cloud service. I was one of the early beta testers of this software and I think it’s the easiest way to run a lightning node.

  • Fold
    Fold is a bitcoin Debit Card that allows you to use fiat and bitcoin. I am not able to use the fiat rails for some reason, but I get paid a certain percentage of my income in bitcoin every month and send my spending money to Fold on Payday. This allows me to store my money in sats until I need to spend. For example, If I need to buy groceries and paper towels at Costco, I press the send button and "push" the sats to dirty fiat. This instantly sells the bitcoin and I am able to spend it using the Visa Debit Card. They also have a store where you can buy Swag, but it unfortunately does not accept bitcoin. I would prefer they did, but they also give sats back on fiat purchaces and that's what the market wants. The Gift Cards pay more sats back and you can even pay your bills with Fold now, but I prefer using Strike for this service.

I think this is a great product for new coiners. If you're a ride or die freak, you will like Strike more. If you are just starting to stack, Fold is more your speed. If you have a wife that is not as into bitcoin as you are, this is the card for her.


Subscribe To Support My Work
*You know, like Substack subscriptions, but with bitcoin instead of dirty fiat#